Valentine’s Day is almost here and there are plenty of songs about love to listen to, but how about those songs you might not have thought of? Our friend Miranda has a fabulous blog Spooky Little where she celebrates Halloween 365 days a year. We did a feature post on her last year Discovering a Unique Halloween Lifestyle Blog that gives you all the fun facts about her work. She likes to “Valloweenify” Valentine’s Day or in other words make it more Halloween for fun. She recently wrote about spooky songs that can be equally romantic as the heart holiday ones. We’re posting her thoughts here.
(from Spooky Little Halloween)
Love is kinda crazy with a spooky little girl like you. At least, that’s what Classic IV likes to tell me. Their song, “Spooky”, is one of my favorite Halloween tunes no matter what time of year I hear it, and their song got me thinking…what other Halloween love songs are out there?
This post was originally published in February 2017 and last updated in January 2022.
Lots, as it turns out!
All it took was one quick spin through my Ultimate Halloween Playlist to come up with 21 songs expelling the virtues of spooky love. And with Valentine’s Day just a day away, it seemed like the perfect time to share them with you!
Take a listen to some of my favorites.
And just in case you don’t have Spotify, prefer another streaming service or you’re an old school badass who still burns mix CDs, here’s the complete tracklist:

Share it in the comments – or what songs I’m missing from the playlist!
We love the many awesome ways she finds to spread Halloween throughout the year. Check out her blog and have a ghoulish time Valloweenifying your love song rotation. Happy Valentine’s Day!