April is National Poetry Month, and here at Poe in Wonderland, we love poetry. In addition to posts on travel and home, we like to bring you beautiful poetry to brighten your world. Since it is poetry month, we’re going to post several for you to enjoy. The first is, of course, from the master himself Edgar Allan Poe. This poem comes courtesy of his collection Tamerlane.

A Wilder’d Being From My Birth

A wilder’d being from my birth
My spirit spurn’d control,
But now, abroad on the wide earth,
Where wand’rest thou my soul?

In visions of the dark night
I have dream’d of joy departed —
But a waking dream of life and light
Hath left me broken-hearted.

And what is not a dream by day
To him whose eyes are cast
On things around him with a ray
Turn’d back upon the past?

That holy dream — that holy dream,
While all the world were chiding,
Hath cheer’d me as a lovely beam
A lonely spirit guiding —

What tho’ that light, thro’ misty night
So dimly shone afar —
What could there be more purely bright
In Truth’s day — star?

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