Bring joy to your home with your art. Walking into someone’s home is a treat. I enjoy seeing how they display their interests and passions through their décor, and especially items around the house that show who they are. Portraits of their families and friends, paintings they curate, sayings they’ve hung around the kitchen or house – a window to silently tell you things about your friends. My house is full of random, eclectic items that are hung carefully to be in harmony despite their different genres.

I collect paintings from local Atlanta artists like R. Land. I have 2 of his pieces, Lost Cat and Speckles. My favorite artist is George Rodrigue from Louisiana. I am fortunate to have one of his screen paintings in my den where it is prominently displayed. He created it on September 11, 2001, to immediately raise funds for the victims of the Twin Towers bombings. He sold them for $500 and $250,000 was raised within hours. I jumped on it since I have never been in a financial position to afford his original works, although I intend to one day, and it benefitted a crucial community cause. In my bedroom, hangs a framed poster from an animal shelter in Broward County Florida that used Rodrigue’s famous Blue Dog as a fundraising gift. Been in my bedroom for a decade. On my dining room cabinet is a small square painting by Jax Frey of the Courtyard of the Two Sisters restaurant in the French Quarter. My maid of honor and I found this place 21 years ago when I was planning my elopement. We liked it so much that my husband and I ate there following the ceremony. It was one of our best nights and I searched for a portrait or painting to remind us of how special this place is.

Another collection in our house is an assortment of pieces I’ve won in school auctions. Our local auctions inevitably occur on my birthday every year and I always win a painting made by children at the school. A lot of kids’ creations look like folk art to me. One of my favorite mediums. I have a huge pink canvas with a smiling cat I adore. The pink is unexpected and I think sometimes catches visitors by surprise which is a delight.

Our kids have made items they’ve brought home from school and they’ve immediately gone on the walls. My oldest son made a beautiful face mask which resides in a small walkway. Full of color and a bit menacing, sort of like a Faustian design. He’s also created paintings and folk art items to hang. Our 2 youngest sons have their drawings and artwork featured too. I’ve scattered all of their work throughout the house. I’ve bought items friends have made too. My friend, Paige, is taking a pottery class and sold her items at Christmas. 2 of her hand thrown bowls are in my bathrooms. I enjoy seeing them every day. My friend, Lane, is a talented painter and I’m planning to buy one of her pieces soon.

My personal photography is everywhere. I specialize in cemetery art. For many years, I’ve shot cemeteries around the south and had pieces in shows. Photography is an absolute passion of mine. These days I am taking more pictures of places we’ve been so those frames will be going up on our walls eventually.

It’s all about what brings you joy. There’s a lot that goes on in the world that’s challenging and not so nice, and your home is definitely the place you feel comforted by your things. It’s how you express yourself and communicate to guests your family’s personalities. I hope you hunt for items you like and learn to love them in your home.
More artwork that hangs in our home and makes it a beautiful place.