The boys and I went to Chattanooga, Tennessee, for a quick day trip. It’s only about two hours from Atlanta so easy to drive to and back home. I was dying to go walk the Walnut Street Bridge since it’s one of my favorites and I knew there probably wouldn’t be a lot of people so maintaining social distance wouldn’t be as difficult; timed it the Monday after a holiday weekend. The bridge is usually crowded, but with the pandemic, much less. When we arrived, there were probably 20 people on it and everyone was good about masks and keeping their distances. The view even on an overcast summer day was beautiful. Strange not to see all of the power boats, however, it was enjoyable to see the paddle boaters, kayakers, and few small fishing boats. This time in the world has certainly changed things. You’d normally see a lot of people hanging out in Cooledge Park, strolling the streets, and traffic on the Tennessee River. Still, a strange yet beautiful view.

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We walked downtown and it was mostly deserted. It’s what I hoped for to limit exposure to others. We were on a mission to make our usual stop at the Moonpie General store on Broad Street. We scored by being the only shoppers when we arrived! Took a picture to post on their social media (they ask you to) and bought a dozen mixed flavored Moonpies. Left with two old fashioned sodas in glass bottles and called it a success.

Our family has mostly stayed home and been very careful during the Coronavirus outbreak. Essential shopping on a limited basis, items ordered online, and following CDC guidelines. Hopefully, one day soon we can all get back out into the world and travel as much as we want to. Until that time, when we do travel, we’ll be very conscientious about what we do.

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