My friend, Lane, and I love to see movies together. We’ve hit up some good ones over the past few years. Recently, Crazy Rich Asians and Rocketman. After all of the steroid holiday hype of Last Christmas with Emilia Clarke and Henry Golding, we decided it was one we had to check out. Lane watched all of Game of Thrones (me only here and there) with Emilia Clarke and we both love Henry Golding from Crazy Rich Asians. It still amazes me that was his debut movie – or at least his first big role.

Great holiday rom-com!
Best Christmas movie ever.
…dripping with holiday sweetness
Worth Giving your Heart To
These are some of the promotions on social media and tv/radio to get you over the top excited. You have to know it isn’t going to eclipse Elf, Love, Actually, A Christmas Story, It’s a Wonderful Life or whatever film does it for you. But, we had room in our heart for a new Christmas movie thus the reason for our matinee show on Sunday.
Kate (Emilia) is an aspiring singer who couch surfs while working as an elf in a year round Christmas shop in London. She’s a mess. Drinks a lot, sleeps around, doesn’t have a place to live, runs through the streets pell mell to an audition pulling her clothes on as she goes. Auditions for Frozen on ice and doesn’t have the ability to skate. You learn she sees her family very little and avoids her mother whenever possible. One day she spots a handsome guy through the window of the store where she works.
Kate: You!
Tom: What do you mean “again”?
Kate: Did you follow me here?
Tom: Are elves always so cynical?
Kate: Yes. Relentlessly. These are dark times.
Tom: I’m Tom.
Kate: Kate.
He’s handsome and a little odd. Where Kate is a downer, Tom seems to be a dreamer. She’s having a rough go mainly due to her poor life choices. Tom keeps turning up and introducing her to parts of London and encourages her to see things in a better light.

Kate: Has anyone ever told you there’s something slightly serial killery about you?
Tom: No. Never more than once anyway.
Kate is focused on her bad luck and Tom volunteers for a homeless shelter. On paper it seems like a rom-com. It is NOT a romantic comedy more a dramedy and a dark one at that. There’s a big plot twist you might’ve already guessed from the ads or reading hints off the internet. The twist is one done and done well in other movies. In this one, not so much. You’re drawn in by the feel good Christmas spirit, however in the end, you won’t be as uplifted as promised.
What I did LIKE.
The Music
George Michael and Wham’s music. Paul Fieg, the director, and Emma Thompson, co-wrtier, started out asking George Michael’s estate for 5 of his songs to use in the movie. After Fieg began listening to his deep cuts, he went back and asked for 15 songs total. They are the heart of the movie. Kate loves Wham and sings their songs throughout or you hear them in scenes. Being a big fan, this was a thrill for me. It was wonderful to learn George knew about the story idea years ago. He died Christmas Day 2016 and he and Emma Thompson had discussed a movie concept based on his song “Last Christmas, I gave you my heart”. Emma Thompson began working on the screenplay 9 years ago with producer David Livingstone. George suggested including the homeless as a key element in the movie because it was a cause he did extensive philanthropy work with in his life. It was comforting to know he did this and really wanted it included to tell that story. (paraphrased from the Vulture review)

Michelle Yeoh
I love Michelle Yeoh. Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon directed by Ang Lee– are you kidding? Wai Lin in Tomorrow Never Dies with Pierce Brosnan. Don’t get me started on how fabulous she was as Eleanor Young in Crazy Rich Asians. Did you know she got her start in a commercial with Jackie Chan? She does her own stunts and is the only female performer Jackie allows to perform them on set.

In Last Christmas, she plays “Santa” the owner of Yuletide a year-round Christmas store. It’s Yeoh’s first comedic role. I saw one review calling it a “cringe worthy” one. I disagree. It’s contrived at times yet a joy to see her do it. I mean we haven’t seen this side before. I like her in everything she does and this was satisfying for me.
“That sounds like a healthy choice. What’s wrong with you?”

Emilia Clarke and Henry Golding
I mean I went to see them in the story. They were both good. Personally, I could’ve stood to see more of him. He definitely wasn’t around as much as you’d like. Emilia can sing. She was good.
You know how it’s trendy to say word salad these days? Last Christmas is a scene salad. Things are tossed all around quite often without making any sense. You’re left with a lot of questions and no answers. It has a Love, Actually-type ending but none of it’s truly satisfying. I enjoyed the actors themselves, the London scenery, and most of all the music. Just not the story.