The Good News Network is exactly what it sounds like – news that is positive and makes you happy. We like to check the site periodically to see what stories they have that are positive and give you that warm, fuzzy feeling. Today we found 4 posts from a dog who won the annual Cadbury bunny ad competition to a program for seniors in Scotland that’s simply awesome. Let’s dive into the stories!
*All articles are from

The Newest Cadbury Bunny…is a Therapy Dog Named Annie Rose!
by the Good News Network
April 2, 2022
Drumroll please…the votes are in, and America has chosen an adorable dog as the winner of the fourth-annual Cadbury Bunny Tryouts.
Annie Rose will star in this year’s Cadbury Clucking Bunny commercial and will take home a $5,000 cash prize, along with plenty of bragging rights for when she visits local nursing homes in her home state of Ohio.
An English Doodle, Annie Rose is used to being in the spotlight. She loves bringing smiles to the faces of seniors—so much so that not even a global pandemic can stop her. When COVID-19 restrictions meant no visitors at nursing homes, Annie Rose didn’t give up. Instead, she dressed up, strutting her stuff outside the nursing home windows. Read more of the article here.

Drumroll please…the Top 10 Happiest Countries in the World from 2022 Global Happiness Report
By Andy Corbley
April 8, 2022
In our troubled times of war and pandemic, the World Happiness Report 2022 comes just in time for Spring.
And, a bright light from the pandemic was the increased rate in social support and benevolence.
This year marks the 10th anniversary of the World Happiness Report, which uses global survey data to report on how people evaluate their own lives in more than 150 countries around the world.
Read the entire article here. Cutting to the chase, here are the top 10 happiest countries in 2022:
The Top 10 Happiest Countries are…
1: Finland
2: Denmark
3: Iceland
4: Switzerland
5: Netherlands
6: Luxembourg
7: Sweden
8: Norway
9: Israel
10: New Zealand
It’s interesting how they calculate the happiest rate so check the article out for all the details.

Man Wins 200 Million on the Lottery and Donates Almost All of It to Save the Earth
by Andy Corbley
April 11, 2022
€200,000,000: That’s how much an anonymous Frenchman won in the Euromillions jackpot lottery last week, and almost the sum total of how much he gave towards the preservation of tropical rainforests in West Africa, and forests in his native country.
The lucky winner established the Anyama Endowment Fund, named after a town in Côte d’Ivoire where it’s understood he spent a lot of time, and to it his winnings will go for “the protection and revitalization of forests, the preservation, and regeneration of biodiversity and the support of family caregivers.”
“I only played during large jackpots, for one purpose: to devote most of this sum to the creation of a foundation,” he wrote in an open letter on the Fund’s website.
“During my life, I have witnessed in Cote d’Ivoire the incessant passage of trucks loaded with trees cut in the Burkina Faso,” he told Le Parisien.“
“We have never seen an initiative of this size, but there again, we have rarely seen such high winnings,” said an operator of the French National Lottery. “Often, these things go hand-in-hand.”
Read more about the winner’s generosity here.

Vancouver Couple Converts Their Huge Resort Property Into a Ukrainian Refugee Home for Dozens
by Andy Corbley
April 6, 2022
Owners of a nature resort in British Colombia have put renovations on hold to open up the stunning 81-acre property exclusively for housing Ukrainian refugees.
With their goal of hosting 100 people, the owners and operators of The Grouse Nest on Vancouver Island see the fleeing masses as equivalent to their own people, since Brian’s family comes from Ukraine.
“We’ve got 19 people booked to be coming in about two to three weeks,” Brian told Global News Canada. “We’re in a position, in a place, in a time where we could help make a bit of a difference. And I thought, you know, it’s time to stand up and be counted.”
And, wow. The 15,000 square-foot resort, which they were renovating into an event space and gallery, is nestled into a beautiful pine forest and surrounded by a crystal clear lake. The Holowaychuks decided to even reverse some of the work, in order to ensure a livable space for as many people as possible.
Read the entire article here.
And now for one of the most heartwarming stories we’ve seen in a while. A project with chapters around the world to help fight senior citizens’ loneliness. The video is worth the watch.

Volunteers are Soothing Senior Loneliness, Giving Free Rides on “Couch Bikes” Worldwide
by Andy Corbley
March 13, 2022
In cities across the world, volunteers are taking the elderly and people with disabilities out for spins on special tricycles to enjoy the great outdoors.
It’s called Cycling Without Age, and the group is finally up and riding again in Scotland, following the relaxation of COVID-19 restrictions—and they are delighted to be reengaging their scientifically-proven method for enhancing well-being in seniors.
Cycling Without Age (CWA) began in Denmark in 2012, when two good-hearted people (including Ole Kassow of Copenhagen) wanted to help the local elderly and less-able individuals get back on their bicycles. They designed a ‘trishaw’ with a two-person bench at the front where passengers could sit and enjoy the view.
Now there are 2,700 chapters worldwide using well over 3,700 trishaws—and anyone can see the obvious benefits on the faces of people in the carriages.

Read this entire article here and make yourself happy. Watch the video for more information and perhaps look it up for someone you love.
Hopefully, you’ve enjoyed these stories. We’ll bring you more soon!