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Learn steps to start a blog for free in 5 days. I saw this headline pop up on Facebook one day and clicked on it to see what it was about – “free” was a big inducement. Writing is how I express my creativity and I enjoy doing it every day. Satisfies my soul, keeps me busy, and I LOVE sharing things I like with everyone. A blog was an idea I stored in the back of my mind for one day in the future. Once this headline popped up in front of my face, I decided maybe that day was “the day” to explore this idea. It’s a Lovely Life is a lifestyle and travel blog from Heather and Pete Reese. They share their family life, world explorations, and their desire to teach others how to successfully blog.
If you are thinking about this as a part-time or full-time business, I would encourage you to take their free Start A Blogging Business 5 Day Course. Easy, manageable steps and tasks to see if it’s what you’d like to pursue. I started my journey with this course and have found joy in the entire process.
Description of the courses from It’s A Lovely Life
Blogger training programs to help you start your own blog or online business.
We know the power of having your own blog and online business. It has been life-changing for us and we know it has for many others too. Of course, with any business, there is a learning curve to be successful. For us, it took years to get to where we are and we want you to be able to blastoff your success much sooner! We’ve taken everything we’ve learned to build our successful blog business to create our free and premium blogger training courses.
Free extensive introduction training courses to start a blog or online business:
Our philosophy with our business has always been to provide as much free help and value as we possibly can.
That has been true from the very beginning of when we started helping entrepreneurs. Our focus is on our students and to help others design the types of lives that they want to live. That will never change.
To do that we’ve developed some extensive FREE training resources to help you out tremendously.
These are high-value courses with real-world actionable training that will help you get your own online business started.
To learn from any of these programs, all you have to do is click a link below, enter your name and email on the form, and then the training will automatically be sent to your email inbox.
Start A Blogging Business in 5 Days
This 5-day foundational blogging course has been downloaded over 500,000 times. In the course, we show you exactly how to choose a niche, pick the perfect name, get your logo, how to set up the right hosting for your blog, and much more. Get the Start a Blogging Course for free here.
Jennifer Graham writes:
Once I took the 5-day course, I was hooked. The next step I’d recommend is their Blogging Blastoff 2.0 one. It’s a paid more comprehensive course with assignments each day. I find having tangible work to do helps me learn more quickly. The third course I enrolled in was Affiliate Blogger Bootcamp and it has deepened my understanding of working with brands. There are additional premium programs you can sign up for and I plan to do so in the future as I move forward in my blogging career. I’ll list a few of them here but highly encourage you to check out their site to see what works for you. It’s so important to find something you love doing, and as the old saying goes – if you love what you do you’ll never work a day in your life!
Description of the courses from It’s A Lovely Life
WP Fast Launch
WP Fast Launch is a WordPress and Bluehost course that will walk you through setting up your blog with all the settings we recommend. After training thousands of students, we know where the problem areas are, and how to explain how to get past them. The course is designed to show you how easy WordPress can be and dramatically increase your confidence with it too!.