Announcing Legend’s Hop Frog Black Lager!

Something is coming… our Hop Frog Black Lager is inspired by Edgar Allan Poe’s blood-curdling tale of revenge. A dark, roasty lager with a smooth hop finish.

Photo Credit: The Poe Museum

Come celebrate Legend’s new Poe-inspired beer with us!
From the legend of Poe’s short story “Hop-Frog,” Legend Brewing Co. has made a lager as dark as Poe’s mind. Come experience the reveal of the draught on Thursday from 5-9pm at their brewery located in Richmond. 

Thursday, February 27, 2020
At Legend Brewery Co.
5:00 to 9:00 PM
321 West 7th Street
Richmond, Virginia

There will be a Poe impersonator, prizes, food, beverages, and a short video from Moon Day Productions showing you how Poe concocted such a delicious brew. $1 from each beer sold will go to the Poe Museum so we can continue Illuminating Poe for everyone, evermore.

The Hop Frog Black Lager will be available at Legend’s brewery and will soon be available in local stores. The lager will also be at our UNHappy Hours starting in April. It’s going to be a miserable time!

Post credits – Legend Brewery Co. and The Poe Museum

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