


Who misses “Stranger Things” the series besides me? It’s hard to wait a year every year until July 4th to see the new season, but more so now since we don’t know when we’ll get the next one. I DO know there’s a strong possibility they may have started filming again in Atlanta, Georgia, which is where they’ve filmed a lot of the show. While we wait we can try a new cocktail inspired by Milly Bobby Brown’s character “Eleven”. I recently found a fantastic Halloween blog created by Miranda called SpookyLittleHalloween.com . This cocktail and post is featured on her blog so I am merely passing it along. As part of my Halloween page’s content, I will be featuring her story the first week of October. Please visit her blog and read her posts about decorating, recipes, party ideas, and more. Stranger Things Cocktail: The Eleven Whether you’re recharging…

We’re starting our Halloween hunt this summer! You can bet items hit Homegoods and Michaels in late July. Spirit of Halloween is open here in Atlanta. We nipped into our local At Home store last week and found the following delightful things. The dragon eye lights are pretty cool. We’ll be opening up our blog’s Halloween page soon. If you were around last year, you would’ve seen our continual posting of all local events. Yes, there’s a pandemic, but that doesn’t mean events won’t happen. Most are pivoting to online so we’ll post those links and dates. Enjoy the video and forgive my skills! https://youtu.be/8bMzslFFYak

#SaveHalloweenMaskUp The count down to Halloween is ramping up. Today it is 90 days away! We are BIG on Halloween at Poe in Wonderland, and we will be adding a page dedicated to it in September. The coronavirus has defintely changed how events will be handled, however we know people are creative and things are moving forward. A good example is Atlanta’s Oakland Cemetery’s annual Capturing the Spirit of Halloween tours plans. Groups will be much smaller and guest will be required to social distance and wear masks. We’ve taken the tour 6 times with one year missing. It is a fun one to consider if you are in the city. How many chances does one get to tour a centuries old cemetery at night? Tickets are on sale to foundation members only but open to the public in August. Check their site to find ticket availability: https://youtu.be/kxLti1An00A Video Credit:…

This post contains affiliate links. If you click a link and make a purchase, BestGiftListings.com will earn a small commission for the referral at no cost to you. Horror is a great genre. It’s really not for the faint of heart. It’s scary, fun, but exhilarating. However, being a horror and dark genre fan is awesome because it creates a life of thrill when one is interacting with horror-themed “things” throughout their lives. Unfortunately, with the exception of Halloween, there are no major horror-themed occasions where you can give yourself the chance to find awesome gifts for horror fans! That reflects in the buyer-seller market as a scarcity in even the most mediocre horror and dark genre gifts…usually staying as such! However today, we are changing all that, because we have done a tremendous amount of research to bring the best horror and dark genre gift ideas (legally) available to…

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