I love to find unique gifts. Etsy is a perennial favorite and our home is full of hand crafted items. Art, jewelry, apparel, you name it. We’ve bought them as gifts for almost any occasion and treated ourselves too. I was fortunate in the past couple of months to order 2 unique and custom pieces of jewelry for myself. A 3 stacked beaded bracelet set and a longed for skull ring. Purely by serendipity I found both artists through Instagram friends. I am learning Instagram can be a cool place to uncover ideas for gifts and most people are happy to share where they find items.

Jewelry Artisan – Elaine Kennedy
Eclectic, Bohemian, Whimsical handmade jewelry.

Photo Credit: Jennifer Graham

Before the world-wide pandemic, I, like a lot of people, had stress and anxiety about life. I wanted to dispel negative energy and situations around me while strengthening myself too. Bracelets are one of my favorite things to wear. I’d seen images in my social media feed of beaded ones with different meanings. I did a little research on what materials I wanted. I already knew the style I preferred. After asking Instagram friends for leads, I found Elaine Kennedy. She was great to work with and found exactly what I was looking for and quickly answered any questions I had. Shopping with her was easy and delightful.

Video Credit: Jennifer Graham

Black Onyx
A powerful protection stone, Black Onyx absorbs and transforms negative energy, and helps to prevent the drain of personal energy. Black Onyx aids the development of emotional and physical strength and stamina, especially when support is needed during times of stress, confusion or grief.

 It carries the energy of fire and passion, creativity and spirituality; yet bears the logic of temperance and sobriety.

More of Elaine’s beautiful work.

Photo Credit: MurielandJoyce
Photo Credit: MurielandJoyce
Photo Credit: MurielandJoyce

I love to work with natural elements and create pieces with a lot of inspiration from Mother Earth! My favorite jewelry is Berber, Uzbek/Tajik and Native American influenced and I am always trying to learn more about ethnic and folk jewelry. I hope to create modern interpretations of these styles.

Elaine Kennedy

Photo Credit: mica.bones.jewelry

I’d been searching for a skull ring forever. At least a decade. I remember my husband and I shopping on our 10th wedding anniversary in Savannah, Georgia, down by the river for a particular ring. Never finding exactly what it was. I found it in early April. An Instagram friend (featured in an earlier post) – Howling Winds Homestead – referred me to her friend, Mica Bones. She is amazing! In fact, I have to mention that both of them referred me to MurielandJoyce so yay for sisterhood and camaraderie! Nothing better than artists directing you to fellow artists.

Mica Bones
Badass jewels for badass babes ?
Dark, unique jewelry for the bold. Buy our jewels here or @micabs_jewelrybox

Photo Credit: Jennifer Graham

I knew I wanted to use my birthstone amethyst since it’s a big love of mine in a new ring. Yes, I have other amethyst rings, but this would be a skull one! Once I found Mica’s Instagram, I was done. Done. Her creations are absolutely stunning. I am in love with her skull, coffin, and bunny rings. Yes, bunny ones. She has a variety of rings to choose from, and not just rings. I am already eyeing pendants! A statement pendant on a leather or ribbon cord, or a delicate chain is perfect for pretty much any occasion. Mica’s site features eye catching, colorful photography and mini-videos. I also enjoy her story updates. She was fantastic to work with and patient as I picked out styles for what would be my Mother’s Day gift. I ADORE it.

Video Credit: Jennifer Graham

More of Mica’s gorgeous work.

Photo Credit: Mica Bones

Photo Credit: Mica Bones

Photo Credit: Mica Bones

Two different styles, and both wonderful artists to design custom gifts for you or someone you care about. Couldn’t be easier to work with and the quality of their pieces is awesome. I hope you’ll keep them in mind as you search for special gifts.

*In addition to finding these gems of small businesses, you can find more unique items at Etsy.com. Truly, one of favorite sites to check for gifts!

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