Everyone at some point has inevitably taken a pair of shears and clipped a tiny bit of hair off. Trim a bang, tame a cowlick, or cut that one tiny hair that won’t lay down despite every hair product in the world. Self haircuts are popping up all over social media. What can you do when a pandemic takes over the world and you’re sheltering in place? No hair salon or barber. Do it at home. We had two at home haircuts in this family, however I am only allowed to show you one. Jack, our 15 year old, refuses to show his images. Hate it too because it was the first one I ever did as a mom. But, I get to keep the pictures for myself so that’s what counts the most. He likes his cut just being a teen and not wanting those shots out there!

Here are the steps we followed. My husband after a LOT of begging agreed to cut my hair. I have very thick hair with specific coloring to it. Not the easiest task and he wanted you to know he really did want me to sign an release. Had to put that part in. I have a pixie cut which means short so we pulled up a couple of youtube videos and tutorials. I read some tips on the best way to cut hair and off we went. I am a complete amateur. My hairstylist has cut and colored my hair for 17 years and I know she’d be a bit horrified at our efforts. although she’d be happy her purple, red, and chrome shades hung in what’s left of my hair.

Here’s what we used:

I like the Equinox cutting shears. Extremely sharp and precise. Used John’s Remington electric shaver/clipper set (not the one pictured above but similar) and it worked well.

Steps we followed:

DO watch a video on youtube. There are lots of good ones with step by instructions and tips.
I watched the video How to Cut the Back of Your Hair (Pixie Cut) by Aubree Kahealani. She has a new one out filmed this month too.

Cut your hair dry since wet hair shrinks and you might over cut it. You want to be able to see its natural wave in order to follow your hairline. Dampen hair if you need to.

Trim hair with the shears pointed vertically and chip into it slowly to get the length you want.

Do NOT cut your bangs too short. A little at a time is best until you get the ideal length. I cannot overstate this! I am the person responsible for my bangs. John did a pretty good job with the rest of my hair, and then I took over. I made the mistake of dampening my bangs so much that it looked okay to keep trimming. I should’ve learned this from the last time I trimmed my bangs in college. Hair will grow, right? Seriously though, I do have a salon appointment booked on June 23rd if we’re out of quarantine.

Well, we did it and survived. John is super relieved to not be needed again, my hair makes me happy for now, and we saved some money. John does want it to be known that he’d rather I go back to the salon since he doesn’t like cutting hair and would rather return to his laptop and desk – and sports.

Self Haircut

Professional cut and color

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